
彼女は銀行に勤めている Sentence
She works in a bank

何か熱い飲み物がありますか Sentence
Do you have anything hot to drink?

来週からテストが始まる Sentence
The Test starts next week

今週はずっと忙しい Sentence
I've been busy this week

元気を出せよ Sentence
Cheer up

このカレーは辛すぎる Sentence
This curry is too hot

世界は狭いですね Sentence
It's a small world, right?

切符を見せてください Sentence
Please show your ticket

並んでお待ちください Sentence
Wait in line, please

晴れだと思うよ Sentence
I think it will be sunny

私は富士山に登りたい Sentence
I want to climb mount fuji

ナイフを貸して下さい Sentence
Please lend me your knife

靴下を脱いでください Sentence
Please take off your socks

美味しい晩御飯をありがとうございました Sentence
Thank you for the delicious dinner

今晩集まりましょう Sentence
Let's get together tonight

結婚おめでとう Sentence
Congratulations with your marriage

そのカップは素敵だ Sentence
That cup is lovely

子供がベッドから落ちた Sentence
The child fell out of bed

店は七時に閉まる Sentence
The shop closes at seven

あの本を返してくれ Sentence
Return that book

ドアを閉めて下さい Sentence
Please close the door

この雑誌は毎月出る Sentence
This magazine comes out every month

うちの冷蔵庫は故障している Sentence
Our fridge is broken

彼女は字が上手だ Sentence
She has a good handwriting

いつまで日本にいるんですか Sentence
How long will you be in Japan?

いらっしゃいませ。何名さまですか Sentence
Welcome, how many people?

どうぞこちらへ Sentence
This way please

すみません、卵はどこにありますか Sentence
Excuse me, where are the eggs?

どうも、ちょっと見るだけ Sentence
I'm just looking, thanks

かしこまりました、他に何か Sentence
certainly, anything else?

メールの返信が遅くなってごめんなさい Sentence
I'm sorry for replying late to your email

食堂は何時にあきますか Sentence
What time does the dining room open?

その晩はとても寒かった Sentence
It was very cold that evening

彼はカレンダーをめくった Sentence
He turned over a calendar

彼女の髪は短い Sentence
She has short hair

外はまだ明るい Sentence
It is still light outside

洗濯、手伝ってよ Sentence
Help me with the wash

おとといそこへ行きました Sentence
I went there the day before yesterday

彼女に兄弟はいない Sentence
She doesn't have any siblings

頼むよー Sentence
I'm begging you

ペン借りていい Sentence
Can I borrow your pen?

このズボンは汚れている Sentence
These pants are dirty

君は疲れた? Sentence
Are you tired?

今日は曇りです Sentence
It's cloudy today

隣に座っても良いですか Sentence
May I sit next to you?

白いシャツはありますか Sentence
Do you have any white shirt?

顔が赤いよ Sentence
Your face is red

私のコートは軽いが暖かい Sentence
My coat is light but warm

石鹸で手を洗いなさい Sentence
Wash your hands with soap

あそこの角を曲がりなさい Sentence
Turn at that corner there

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