
灰皿を下さい Sentence
Can I have an ashtray?

あなたが出かける前にお会いしたい Sentence
Meet before you go out

あなたは生徒ではありません Sentence
You are not a student

この地区には本屋が少ない Sentence
There are few bookstores in this district

シャワーにするわ Sentence
I'll take a shower

あなたは風邪が治りましたか Sentence
Did you get over the cold?

あなたのは向こうにあります Sentence
Yours is over there

海の向こうからの手紙 Sentence
Letters from over the sea

この薄い本は私のです Sentence
This thin book is mine

高い山の頂上は空気が薄い Sentence
The air is thin at top of a high mountain

このデパートは七時に閉められる Sentence
This department store is closed at seven

フォークがテーブルから落ちた Sentence
The fork fell of the table

今日は風が冷たい Sentence
The wind is cold today

私は何か冷たいものが飲みたい Sentence
I want to drink something cold

私は八月にスペインを訪ねたいです Sentence
I want to visit spain in august

手をきれいに洗いなさい。 Sentence
Wash your hands.

今日は曇りです Sentence
It's cloudy today

彼女はたいへんうまく歌った Sentence
She sang very well

その氷はとても厚い Sentence
That ice is very thick

彼女は毎朝シャワーを浴びる Sentence
She takes a shower every morning

彼はひどく困っている Sentence
He is in great trouble

夕べ、ちょっと頭痛がした Sentence
I had a slight headache last night

夕べ霜が降りた Sentence
It frosted last night

彼女の目が一番美しい Sentence
Her eyes are her best feature

今日は宿題が無い Sentence
I have no homework today

どうぞ宿題を手伝って下さい Sentence
Please help me with my homework

夢が実現した Sentence
His dream came true

この物語は真実です Sentence
This story is true

このセーターは暖かい Sentence
This sweater is warm

マッチありますか Sentence
Do you have a match?

アパートが燃えている Sentence
The apartment building is on fire

道を渡ろう Sentence
Let's cross the street

通りを渡るな Sentence
Don't cross the street

その本を渡してください Sentence
Hand me that book, please

君に渡す物がある Sentence
I have something to give you

シートベルトをお締めください Sentence
Please fasten your seat belt

彼は大変背が高い Sentence
He is very tall

背を伸ばしなさい Sentence
Straighten up

私は背が低すぎる Sentence
I am too short

電話をかけよう Sentence
I'll make a phone call

今日は十キロ歩いた Sentence
Today I walked 10 kilometers

彼らは同じクラスです Sentence
They are in the same class

父は大変疲れている Sentence
My father is very tired

この通りは賑やかだ Sentence
This street is lively

パーティーが大好き Sentence
I love parties

この道をまっすぐ行きなさい Sentence
Go straight along this street

まっすぐ前を見てください Sentence
Look forward, please

この小説はとても興奮する Sentence
The novel is very exciting

その小説は子供むけでない Sentence
That novel isn't for children

このテレビ番組はなかなか面白い Sentence
This TV program is really quite interesting

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