Japanese has 2 phonetic writing systems. Hiragana and Katakana. We use this word to refer to both of them.
This is the process of changing a verb or adjective into different forms (Like present, past). For example: "he sleeps" and "he slept". In japanese conjugation works different than in english.
This are the words placed between sentences or vocab. For example "... but ... " and "Also, ..".
This is short for vocabulary. Which is a nice name for words. All Verbs, Nouns and Adjectives are included in here.
This are words like "To eat", "To sleep" and "To do". These words are used to describe an action. In japanese these verbs can be split into multiple groups: U-Verbs, RU-Verbs and Irregular verbs (They end with する or くる). You can find the differences between them on the Conjugation page.
Normal words usually used to describe a something. For example: "Cow", "Moon" or "Sister"
This describes something about a noun or action. For example: "Beautiful", "Quick" or "Lazy".
The rules of the language and all the supporting words for it. For example: "This", "And" or "Is". These words don't have a meaning of themselves, but they're used to glue a sentence together.
Some sentences are glued together in a fixed common phrase. We list them as a phrase in the vocab section.