
花瓶を両手で持ちなさい Sentence
Hold the vase with both hands

もう晴れたよ Sentence
It's already cleared up

私は将棋を少々やります Sentence
I play shogi a little

猛烈な暑さ Sentence
The heat is intense

おやすみ、よく眠れ Sentence
Good night, sleep well

私は十時頃就寝します Sentence
I go to bed about ten.

何かペットは飼ってる Sentence
Do you have a pet?

このジャケットは気に入らない Sentence
I don't like this jacket

僕は寝たい Sentence
I want to sleep

金は水よりずっと重い Sentence
Gold is far heavier than water

これらの花は春に咲く Sentence
These flowers bloom in spring

たばこは吸いますか Sentence
Do you smoke?

あっちへ行け Sentence
Go away

それは大変だねえ Sentence
That is too bad

日本語を習うのは楽しい Sentence
Japanese is fun to learn

彼はポストに手紙を入れた Sentence
He put a letter in the mailbox

伯父さんはその時計をくれた Sentence
My uncle gave me that watch

行って来ます Sentence
I'm going

行ってらっしゃい Sentence
See you later

おはようございます Sentence
Good morning

お休みなさい Sentence
Good night

お帰りなさい Sentence
Welcome home

こんにちは Sentence
Good afternoon

こんばんは Sentence
Good afternoon

ごちそうさまでした Sentence
It was delicious

さようなら Sentence
Good bye

ただいま Sentence
I'm home

頂きます Sentence
Thank you for the meal

あなたの電話番号は何ですか Sentence
What is your telephone number?

あなたは何年生ですか Sentence
What year are you in at college?

すみません。今何時ですか Sentence
Excuse me, what time is it now?

そうです Sentence
That's right

メアリーさんは何歳ですか Sentence
How old is Mary?

メアリーさんはアメリカ人です Sentence
Mary is american

日本語です。今二年生です Sentence
Japanese. I am a second year student now

おやすみなさい Sentence
Good night

お茶でも飲みますか Sentence
Do you want any tea?

緑茶を下さい Sentence
Green tea please

こっちに来て仲間に入りなさい Sentence
Come here and join us

昨日はあなたの両親に会いました Sentence
I met your parents yesterday

そこには大勢の人がいた Sentence
There was a large crowd there

彼の部屋は汚いです Sentence
His room is dirty

彼は太い首をしている Sentence
He has a thick neck

あの家は大変小さい Sentence
That house is very small

あなたは大変速く走る Sentence
You run very fast

あなたに会えて大変うれしい Sentence
I am very glad to meet you

あなたは大変美しい Sentence
You are very beautiful

あの橋は大変美しい Sentence
That bridge is very beautiful

そっちの天気は Sentence
How is the weather there?

封筒に切手を貼りなさい Sentence
Stick a stamp on the envelope

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