
彼らは同じクラスです Sentence
They are in the same class

父は大変疲れている Sentence
My father is very tired

この通りは賑やかだ Sentence
This street is lively

パーティーが大好き Sentence
I love parties

この道をまっすぐ行きなさい Sentence
Go straight along this street

まっすぐ前を見てください Sentence
Look forward, please

この小説はとても興奮する Sentence
The novel is very exciting

その小説は子供むけでない Sentence
That novel isn't for children

このテレビ番組はなかなか面白い Sentence
This TV program is really quite interesting

会議に遅れてすみません Sentence
Sorry I'm late for the meeting

彼は眠りたいです Sentence
He wants to sleep

彼は眠りたくないです Sentence
He doesn't want to sleep

眠らないでください Sentence
Please don't sleep

眠ってください Sentence
Please sleep

眠りましょう Sentence
Let's sleep

彼は眠っています Sentence
He is sleeping

彼は眠りません Sentence
He is not sleeping

今に眠ります Sentence
I'm now going to sleep

昨日に歩いた Sentence
Yesterday I was walking

出かける前にガスを必ず消しなさい Sentence
Be sure to turn off the gas before you go out

携帯電話を変えた Sentence
I got a new mobile phone

目と目が合った Sentence
Their eyes met

彼らは互いに話し合っている Sentence
They are discussing with each other

緑色は君にとても似合う Sentence
Green suits you very well

この料理は酒に良く合う Sentence
This dish goes well with sake

その話題は話し合う価値がある Sentence
That topic is worth discussing

スーツに着替えなさい Sentence
Change into your suit

彼女はにっこり笑った Sentence
She smiled

突然彼らは笑い出した Sentence
All at once they began to laugh

いつも彼は笑っている Sentence
He is always laughing

見つけられますか Sentence
Can you find it?

仕事を見つけろ Sentence
Find a job

この単語を辞書で見つけなさい Sentence
Look up this word in the dictionary

彼は歌い続けた Sentence
He continued singing

彼らは愛し合っている Sentence
They love each other

彼女は話し続けた Sentence
She continued her talk

仕事を続けなさい Sentence
Continue your work

彼は二時間歩き続けた Sentence
He went on walking for two hours

是非練習を続けなさい Sentence
Absolutely continue practicing

息子は父親に似る Sentence
Like father, like son

一生で一番恥ずかしい事です Sentence
This is the most embarrassing moment of my life

あの店はお客さんが多い Sentence
That shop has many customers

これから帰ります Sentence
I'm going home now

これからもっと勉強します Sentence
I'll study harder from now on

今日は雲一つ無い青空だ Sentence
The sky today is blue, without a cloud

空に雲が美しい Sentence
The clouds in the sky are beautiful

ピアノを弾くのは難しい Sentence
It is difficult to play the piano

その薬は苦い味がする Sentence
That medicine tastes bitter

私の腕はまだ痛む Sentence
My arm still hurts

玉を落すと落ちる Sentence
If you drop the ball, it will fall

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